There are numerous examples of people becoming very 'agitated' if someone uses the expression "ALL lives matter".
There seems to be a fundamental lack of empathy on your part here Simon. Take a moment and put yourself in their shoes. Imagine that there is a very real chance you could be shot by the police without provocation. Imagine saying, "I don't deserve to get shot." And then I say back to you, "Everyone doesn't deserve to get shot." And I proceed to do NOTHING to address or change your predicament. Would that agitate you?
So whatever list of cases you want to copy and paste is really irrelevant - would it be negated if we posted a list of white people shot?I'm more than a bit surprised you're asking me this as I specifically referenced this exact point in the comment your responding to. But no worries, it is again: African American's only represent 12% of the US population compared to whites who make up over 61% of the US population. Yet, when we look at the numbers of unarmed people shot by the police, 32 of them were white and 38 of them were black. This means that an unarmed black person is 6 times more likely to be shot by the police than unarmed white person is.
Why do you include them in the numbers? To pad things out?
No, I include them because I have to compare apples to apples. If you have some methodology via which we can identify and remove those numbers from the total for both black AND white persons I'd be interested to see those numbers. But in the mean time, we have to go with the information we have.
The Dallas shooter will now be included in "black man killed by cops" no doubt . . .(face palm) These number are only "unarmed" individuals who were shot by the police
. . . a perfect example of why looking at a raw total isn't enough to draw meaningful conclusions . . .
Not for those of us who actually know how to read Simon. I swear, normally you're a pretty level headed guy. I don't know why you completely lose your ability/desire to comprehend peoples arguments whenever the issues of racial disparity are raised. Take a breather buddy. It's going to be okay.